Monday, February 01, 2010

The centre of my #world
I dream about you every night
Your eyes twinkling at me with delight
As you crawl along
And flash me a #toothless smile

I dream about your eyes
Will they be hazel or black
Will you sport a mound of brown curls
Or strands of silky black

Should I buy you a blue jacket
Or will you be my #pink bundle of joy
Will you be my #Noah or #Eve
A little angel or a mischievous #boy

Will you be a fair heartbreaker
Or a dusky snooty #beauty
Would you like #chocolates or apple pie
Will you be stubborn or pliant

Will you have a chin with a playful cleft
Or a smooth small jaw like mine
Would you sing like me
Or be a smooth talker like your pa

It’s hard to wait
My little one
Although I’m scared of #labour
I’m excited to make acquaintance with you
To hold you in my arms
And love you
To be the centre of your #universe
As you will be mine